
Let Linux speak for you

Now let your Linux speak for you.
There is a utility in linux called 'espeak' using which you can let it speak. Its more or less same as 'Narrator' in Windows.

Syntax is :

espeak  "text you want linux to speak" 

You may get a message like "the program 'espeak' is not installed". In such case install it using command-

$ apt-get install espeak

There are many options available with this command , like 

-f  'filename'   :  will read input from file 

$ espeak  -f  filename 

-a integer : Amplitude, 0 to 20, default is 10

-s integer : Speed in words per minute, default is 160

and many more.......
for more details install the program and read its 'man' page.

$ man espeak 

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