
ASCII screensavers in Linux

Are there any ASCII animations in Linux which can be used as screen-saver ?
Answer is "Yes". There are many such ASCII screen-savers , few of them are described below. We will explain in detail how to install and use them.

1. Pipes : Best one so far ( my personal preference .

How to Install :
Open the terminal and run below commands -

   1:  git clone https://github.com/pipeseroni/pipes.sh.git
   2:  cd pipes.sh
   3:  sudo make install 

Refer to this documentation on github for more details.

2. cmatrix : Great one.
It displays matrix movie type characters on screen.

How to install :
Run below command in your terminal.

   sudo apt-get install cmatrix

How to run:
Run the command in terminal :

cmatrix -s -b

3. Termsaver : Multiple animations in one.
Text based screen saver having multiple animations like starwars, matrix, jokes4all etc.

How to install :
Run this command in terminal

sudo apt-get install termsaver

How to use :

termsaver matrix

Output of 'termsaver clock'

4. Aquarium

Installing this ascii screen-saver require a little more work..
I am leaving this on you. Follow these steps to install this screen-saver.


Creating docker image of your own file system.

We can create the docker image of our own system i.e. the host system on which docker is running. This might be handy in cases where your system have everything already setup and all the tool are configured and you want to replicate the same on another system. Instead of starting from scratch and installing everything on another system we can create an image of our system and use it.

Here 'Docker' comes to our rescue. To read more about docker go to their homepage.

In order to accomplish what is told above, first we need to make a tar file of our file system, which can be achieved using below command.

tar --numeric-owner --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys -cvf ubuntu-base.tar /

Now when you have the tar file of your file system, we can create the docker image from it.

cat ubuntu-base.tar | docker import - ubuntu-base

This will create the docker image with the name 'ubuntu-base'.

verify the image by running the image with docker.

docker run -i -t ubuntu-base

Run any command and browse through the file system and you will see your old file system in new avatar.

Printing both side in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu 14.04 , default document viewer doesn't support both side printing of a PDF document.

To save paper, one must print on both side of a paper.  

Here is the trick to print on both side of paper. 
Right click the document and select 'Open with' option. Now select 'Google Chrome' program from the list. Document will open in a new chrome window/tab. 
Press 'control + p' or select 'Print' form 'file' menu option.
You will see the 'print preview' window. On the left hand side you will see options where at the bottom you can select 'Two-sided'. Printing now will print the document on both side of paper.

Editing remote PHP project using Netbeans

Consider this scenario. You wrote some piece of code and placed it on remote server. Now you  need to edit the source file. How you will do it ?

Animated Donut : C program


Just like my previous post in which India's map was generated using an obfuscated C code, here an animated donut will be generated, again using C code.

Note : This is not my work. All credit to original author (link at the bottom).

This donut program has two versions.

Version 1:

(To avoid any error due to formating and special characters, I am including screen-shots of the code. Actual code can be found on the Original Author's page. Copy the code and save it in a file donut.c and compile using the command given below.


Execute this Code using the command -
gcc -o donut donut.c -lm
Ignore any warnings. Now run it using command -

Output should look like below image:

Version 2:

This is much more impressive.

Save and compile this code again using the same command and run it.

Credit - Andy Sloane 
Follow this link to know the mathematics behind this animation.