
Few funny commands in Linux.

1. Did it ever happened to you that instead of typing 'ls' for listing the files in a directory , you type 'sl' in hurry and got the no-so-pleasant error saying that 

"The program 'sl' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install sl

Have you ever tried what 'sl' is? No? ok then try it now. Install the 'sl' command by typing

$ sudo apt-get install sl

now type 'sl' in command terminal. What you get...voila...its a train running through your screen....


2.  'figlet' command print the text in large size using simple character.

$ figlet "hello"

will display below output

3. 'cowsay' command will print the below output - 

$ cowsay "I love Linux"

you can use -f switch and make it more interesting...for example..

$ cowsay -f turtle "I love Linux"

explore more about what else can be substituted at the place of turtle.

4.  There is a graphical version of cowsay.

$ xcowsay "I love Linux" 

5. oneko command will generate a cat on your terminal which will chase the mouse pointer.

$ oneko 

Note: Use 

$ sudo apt-get install 

to install any command.

and use 

$ man

for any help regarding the command.

More to be updated very soon... Happy learning.

Newbie StayHungry

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