To send the mail to multiple people using code is easy. Copy paste the below line in a text file and save as Replase the with your actual email address and with the address to whom you want to send the email.
Make sure your access level settings in gmail account are set to low.
go to this link
and check radio button 'Turn on'.
# code starts here ...
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
# me == my email address
# you == recipient's email address
me = ""
you = ""
# Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = "Link"
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you
# Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version).
text = "Hi!\nHow are you?\nHere is the link you wanted:\n"
html = """\
Your html content goes here...
# Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html')
# image attachment code here
# Attach parts into message container.
# According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case
# the HTML message, is best and preferred.
# Send the message via local SMTP server.
mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
mail.login('username', 'password')
mail.sendmail(me, you, msg.as_string())
# code ends here ...
You can also attach file/images to your email. Use the below code snippet for same.
#attaching an image as attachment. START
ImgFileName = '/home/rana/Pictures/1.jpg'
img_data = open(ImgFileName, 'rb')
image = MIMEApplication(, Content_Disposition='attachment; filename="%s"' % basename(ImgFileName), Name=basename(ImgFileName))
#attaching an image as attachment. END
You can use for loop to send the same mail to multiple people. That part I leave up to you.
If you face any issue while sending mail using this code, let me know.
Make sure your access level settings in gmail account are set to low.
go to this link
and check radio button 'Turn on'.
# code starts here ...
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
# me == my email address
# you == recipient's email address
me = ""
you = ""
# Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = "Link"
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you
# Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version).
text = "Hi!\nHow are you?\nHere is the link you wanted:\n"
html = """\
Your html content goes here...
# Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html')
# image attachment code here
# Attach parts into message container.
# According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case
# the HTML message, is best and preferred.
# Send the message via local SMTP server.
mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
mail.login('username', 'password')
mail.sendmail(me, you, msg.as_string())
# code ends here ...
You can also attach file/images to your email. Use the below code snippet for same.
#attaching an image as attachment. START
ImgFileName = '/home/rana/Pictures/1.jpg'
img_data = open(ImgFileName, 'rb')
image = MIMEApplication(, Content_Disposition='attachment; filename="%s"' % basename(ImgFileName), Name=basename(ImgFileName))
#attaching an image as attachment. END
You can use for loop to send the same mail to multiple people. That part I leave up to you.
If you face any issue while sending mail using this code, let me know.